The Blue Water Bridge (BWB) Freeway project includes improvements to the United States Inspection Facility at the BWB Plaza, in addition to highway improvements within the I-94/I-69 corridor in St. Clair County, Michigan.  This project includes replacing and expanding the Black River Bridge and the Water Street Interchange; replacing and expanding the Lapeer Connector Interchange; adding lanes to I-94/I-69; separating eastbound border crossing traffic from local traffic; and building a new MDOT Welcome Center in Port Huron Township.

ASTI identified, mapped, and assessed wetlands and rivers/streams within the project corridor for the selected alternative.  ASTI flagged all wetland boundaries and performed MiRAM (Michigan Rapid Assessment Method) on those wetlands proposed for impact.  

ASTI collaborated with SmithGroupJJR on the conceptual design of a 7-acre forested and emergent wetland to be constructed on the new Welcome Center property.  This project required a total of 3.81 acres of mitigation; the remaining 3.19 acres of constructed wetland will be used for future MDOT mitigation needs.

ASTI developed and submitted a Joint Permit Application to MDOT for their submittal to both the MDEQ and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for unavoidable impacts to streams and wetlands.  A permit was issued by both agencies for the project